

Our everyday activities help with communication, problem-solving, creative and physical development. We have a wide range of both indoor and outdoor equipment, which is rotated on a daily basis. Our children undertake a number of activities, such as role-play,  arts and crafts, messy play  and music.

Our structured day is :

– Registrations and circle time – discussion or group activity based on a specific theme usually one of the 7 development areas of learning
– Free play
– Rolling snack time
– Tidy up time
– Story time /songs
– Lunch
– Afternoon registrations
– Circle time
– Free play
– Tidy up time
– Songs/story
– Get ready to go home

We have an open door policy in all weathers  where the children can decide if they want to stay in or go outside during free play.

This informal daily structure provides reassurance for the children and allows them to understand the art of sharing and taking turns, valuable social skills to acquire before starting full-time education. It also enables staff to integrate the learning of mathematical and communication skills into every daily session.

Other activities throughout the year include: walks in nearby Ashdown Forest, trips to the local library,  Harvest Festival, Easter and Christmas visits to St. John’s Church, Nativity Play, Christmas party with Father Christmas, Sports Day and end-of-year picnic.